M33 made in the nights of 30-31 August and 31 Aug-01Sep, imaged from Verclause, South-France.
TMB 115 f/7 APO + SBIG ST-10XME with Astrodon LRGB filters. 80 minutes for each colour, 30 minutes luminance.
Image at 50 % size, click here for full size.
M33 made in the night of 31 Aug - 01 Sep 2005. Imaging from Varages, Domaine La Grande Blaque (South France).
Vixen VC200L f/9 reduced to f/6 with it's Vixen reducer, mounted on a Takahashi EM200 with FS2 controller.
SBIG ST-2000XM camera with SBIG LRGB filters. 6x10 m luminance and Red, Green and Blue 3x10 m each.
So total exposure time 2.5 hours.
Image at 50 % size. Click here for full size.
6-7/10/1999 : M33, 30 m exposure on Fuji Superia 800 with a Takahashi Epsilon 160 from Cruis, France.
M33, 02/10/1993. Photo taken with Lichtenknecker 140/150/500 Flat Field Camera and hypered TP2415. Exposure of 20 minutes, visualy guided with a 90 f/11 refractor.