Object | M57. |
Date & Time | 13-14 August 2001. |
Exposure Time | L 3x5m; R 1x5m; G 1x5m; B 2x5m. |
Observing From | Oostduinkerke, Belgium. |
Telescope | Opticon 250 mm f/15 SCT, reduced to f/7.8. |
Camera | SBIG ST-8. |
Accessories | SBIG CFW8; Baader Planetarium Alan Gee II focal reducer. |
Acquisition Software | CCDSOFT V5. |
Image Processing Software | CCDSOFT V5, AstroArt, Photoshop. |
Film | --- |
M57, 28/08/1999. The Ring Nebula in Lyra. Opticon 250 mm f=3750 mm SCT and ST-7 ABG.
3 x 5 m and 1 x 10 m exposure, selfguided. Binning 2x2 (18 micron pixels).