
This image was taken with my Celestron 14 at f/7 and my SBIG ST-10XME. Data from three nights were used: 11-12 April, 22-23 April and 24 April 2004.

Luminance totals 2 hours 1x1 binning, R=G=B total 35 minutes each 2x2 binning; as this was taken under "home" conditions, I had a lot of trouble with colour gradients and colour balance.

Image taken in the night of 6-7 April 2003. Celestron 14 + Baader Alan Gee reducer + ST-8XE + AO-7. 12 images of 5 minutes = 60 minutes total exposure time. The seeing was not good, there were problems with the instrument, the mount and the AO-7. Colour frames taken the same night were unusable. There is a gradient on the image which I couldn't remove properly. Well, good for another try...


6-7/04/2000, Takahashi Epsilon 160 + ST-7, two selfguided 15 m exposures. The faint galaxy at the upper right border is UGC8313 (mag 14.7).

Messier Index