IC5146 - the Cocoon Nebula
Image made at Verclause (France) during the nights of 29-30 August and 30 August-1 September 2008..
Telescope: TMB115 f/7 APO refractor at prime focus with APM6x7 fieldflattener.
Mount: Takahashi EM200 with FS2.
Camera: SBIG ST-10XME + CFW10 working at -15°C..
Exposure: 1x1 binning through Astrodon RGB filters: Red 40m, Green 60m, Blue 60m.
Image acquisition: SB CCDSOFT V5
Image processing: SB CCDSOFT V5 and Photoshop.
Conditions: clear sky with good seeing.
Image at 50% size, for full size version click HERE.