A NGC 7000 Mosaic.
The image below is one of my first big mosaics, and no - it is not easy. Off course, the image is displayed at much less than its original resolution because 6 ST-8 images make one BIG image file !
The telescope used is a Takahashi CN212, working as a 212 mm Newton f/3.9. The CCD camera is a SBIG ST-8 ABG.
The right hand side of the image is made up of three one hour exposures made on September 25-26, the left hand side is made up of three one hour exposures made on September 26-27 2000. The second series has a better resolution than the first because the collimation of the telescope for the first series was off. As I had to remove the camera from the telescope to adjust collimation between the taking of the two series, image rotation was present between first and second series. The individual series of three images each where stitched together almost automatically in AstroArt. I had to use AstroArt and Photoshop to mosaic the two three-exposure mosaics together, after which they were colorized in Paint Shop Pro.