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Astrometric data for minor planet center


CON SRO Observatory Auberry California USA, Eyckensbeekstraat,2 , 9150 Kruibeke, Belgium

OBS E.Bryssinck

MEA E.Bryssinck

TEL 0.62-m f/6.5 astrograph + CCD

ACK MPCReport file updated 2017.10.21 11:28:55


    CK17T010  C2017 10 09.50285 08 24 53.98 -04 11 12.9          17.5 N      U69

    CK17T010  C2017 10 09.50456 08 24 54.16 -04 11 13.2          18.7 N      U69

    CK17T010  C2017 10 09.50627 08 24 54.21 -04 11 13.4          18.9 N      U69

    CK17T010  C2017 10 09.50800 08 24 54.25 -04 11 14.8          17.9 N      U69

    CK17T010  C2017 10 09.50968 08 24 54.35 -04 11 13.4          18.9 N      U69

    CK17T010  C2017 10 09.51144 08 24 54.35 -04 11 14.6          18.2 N      U69

----- end -----

Comet C/2017 T1 -  9 oct. 2017

Photometric data obtained by use of FOCAS-II software


CON SRO Observatory Auberry California USA   

CATALOG: USNO A2.0 / CMC 14-15 - BAND: R

                                   10x10  20x20  30x30  40x40  50x50  60x60   SNR   SB   COD

COMET         UTC                    +/-    +/-    +/-    +/-    +/-    +/-     N  FWHM  CAT

------------  -------------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----  ---

C/2017 T1     09/10/2017 12:10:16  17.78  17.49  17.59                        3.7  18.1  U69

C/2017 T1     09/10/2017 12:10:16*  0.14   0.23   0.23                          6   3.8  CMC

                                                                     AFRHO         LOG

COMET         UTC                   DELTA    r    BOX "   MAG   RSR    CM    +/-  AFRHO  OBS

------------  -------------------   -----  -----  -----  -----  ---  -----  ----  -----  ---

C/2017 T1     09/10/2017 12:10:16    2.63   2.45  10.48  17.73    4     32     9  1.508  U69

FoCAs 3.50

Af(rho) data according the CARA-approach is available via request to CARA-coordinator

C/2017 T1 - ASASSN survey - orbit diagram by 3D Solar System Simulator of Skylive

Image comet C/2017 T1 (HEINZE) by Erik Bryssinck on 9 october 2017

Image taken of an object while it was still mentioned on the PCCP of the minorplanetcenter. Image taken with remote telescoxpe from California USA, data obtained from 6 x 120 sec Luminance filtered CCD-images.  Later was this object assigned as comet C/2017 T1 (HEINZE) The discovery details were announced with CBET 4444 on 16 oct. 2017.  My observation and confirmation: “object is diffuse and has a coma of 10” with a hint of a tail towards 239 degr.  of about 15” long.  R-magnitude of 17,5 with aperture radius of 4.96 sec.arc.  Data obtained from 6 Lum. filtered exposures of  120sec”.

According the preleminary ephemeride data, the closest approach for objects passing extremely close to Earth on 4 jan 2018 on a distance of about 0.22 AU !