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Astrometric data for minor planet center


CON F.-J. Hambsch, ROAD  , San Pedro de Atacama, Chile, Oude Bleken 12, 2400 Mol, Belgium

OBS F.-J.Hambsch, E.Bryssinck

MEA E.Bryssinck

TEL 0.4-m f/6.8 astrograph + CCD

ACK NEOCP G39 file updated 2019.12.23 12:28:11


     A10iMHA  C2019 12 23.03941 23 44 37.89 -35 40 21.2          18.0 R      G39

     A10iMHA  C2019 12 23.04166 23 44 37.89 -35 40 15.8          17.9 R      G39

     A10iMHA  C2019 12 23.04536 23 44 37.67 -35 40 05.6          17.8 R      G39

     A10iMHA  C2019 12 23.04907 23 44 37.46 -35 39 55.2          18.3 R      G39

     A10iMHA  C2019 12 23.05278 23 44 37.39 -35 39 46.8          17.8 R      G39

     A10iMHA  C2019 12 23.05649 23 44 37.26 -35 39 36.5          17.9 R      G39

     A10iMHA  C2019 12 23.06021 23 44 37.12 -35 39 28.1          18.1 R      G39

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Comet C/2019 Y1 (ATLAS) -  23 dec 2019

Af(rho) data according the CARA-approach is available via request to CARA-coordinator

Photometric data obtained from FOCAS-II software

comet C/2019 Y1 (ATLAS), Erik Bryssinck and F.-J. Hambsch


Image taken in collaboration with F.-J. Hambsch and his remote observatory in San Pedro de Atacam in Chile.

Used telescope is an 0.4-m f/6.8 ODK on 23 dec. 2019 while object was stille mentioned on the PCCP.

comet C/2019 Y1 (ATLAS), Erik Bryssinck and F.-J. Hambsch