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Astrometric data for minor planet center


CON E. Bryssinck, Eyckensbeekstraat 2, 9150 Kruibeke

OBS E. Bryssinck

MEA E. Bryssinck

TEL 0.43-m f/6.8 reflector + CCD

ACK MPCReport file updated 2020.01.06 08:51:49

NET Gaia DR2

     A10j7UG  C2020 01 06.17230 11 48 34.16 +32 50 29.7          18.7 G      I89

     A10j7UG  C2020 01 06.17419 11 48 34.24 +32 50 31.0          19.0 G      I89

     A10j7UG  C2020 01 06.17591 11 48 34.32 +32 50 32.6          19.0 G      I89

     A10j7UG  C2020 01 06.17760 11 48 34.30 +32 50 35.0          19.0 G      I89

     A10j7UG  C2020 01 06.17933 11 48 34.30 +32 50 36.4          18.2 G      I89

     A10j7UG  C2020 01 06.18106 11 48 34.40 +32 50 37.7          19.0 G      I89

     A10j7UG  C2020 01 06.18275 11 48 34.42 +32 50 40.2          19.3 G      I89

     A10j7UG  C2020 01 06.18451 11 48 34.48 +32 50 41.1          19.0 G      I89

     A10j7UG  C2020 01 06.18620 11 48 34.50 +32 50 42.4          18.9 G      I89

     A10j7UG  C2020 01 06.18791 11 48 34.57 +32 50 44.3          18.6 G      I89

----- end -----

Comet C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) -  6 jan. 2020

Af(rho) data according the CARA-approach is available via request to CARA-coordinator

Photometric data obtained from FOCAS-II software

M.P.E.C. : 2020 - A112        

                                 COMET C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS)                            

     This object was reported on 2019 Dec. 28 UT as possibly cometary in appearance by L. Denneau on behalf of ATLAS-MLO (T08) and placed on PCCP.  Stacked observations taken on Dec. 31 by L. Buzzi at Schiaparelli Observatory (204) revealed a 10" coma elongated toward the north-west.  

The orbital elements for this object are very similar to those for C/1844 Y1 (Great Comet).  The suggestion was initially made by M. Meyer when the 2019-2020 arc was ~three days.  Additional reports of cometary features are as follows:

OC   Date     Reporter           Coma    Tail    PA          Exposures

Q11  Dec. 31  H. Sato            18"                         10x90s

K88  Jan. 1   K. Sarneczky        8"                         3x120s

G40  Jan. 1   B. Lutkenhoener    10"

T08  Dec. 28  H. Flewelling       2"

T12  Jan. 1   D. J. Tholen                       315

203  Jan. 6   G. Galli            4"

I89  Jan. 6   E. Bryssinck       21"      17"    280-287     

A71  Jan. 3   M. Jaeger          10"      25"    270-275

H06  Jan. 4   H. Sato             8"      15"    280         10x60s

A77  Jan. 8   F. Kugel           20"      30"    280

G40  Jan. 9   G. Gasparovic      10"      20"     10         23x50s

comet C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS), Erik Bryssinck


OBS, Nerpio, Spain


                                   10x10  20x20  30x30  40x40  50x50  60x60   SNR   SB   COD

COMET         UTC                    +/-    +/-    +/-    +/-    +/-    +/-     N  FWHM  CAT

------------  -------------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----  ---

C/2019 Y4     06/01/2020 04:18:14  18.90  18.60  18.64                        6.3  20.6  I89

C/2019 Y4     06/01/2020 04:18:14*  0.14   0.25   0.22                          7   2.5  Gai

                                                                     AFRHO         LOG

COMET         UTC                   DELTA    r    BOX "   MAG   RSR    CM    +/-  AFRHO  OBS

------------  -------------------   -----  -----  -----  -----  ---  -----  ----  -----  ---

C/2019 Y4     06/01/2020 04:18:14    2.22   2.81  12.43  18.81    6     11     2  1.049  I89

FoCAs 3.66