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Comet C/2023 A3 (TSUCHINSHAN-ATLAS)- 22 may 2024

Af(rho) data according the CARA-approach is available via request to CARA-coordinator

Astrometric data for minor planet center (ADES format)

permID |provID     |trkSub  |mode|stn |obsTime                |ra         |dec        |rmsRA|rmsDec|astCat  |mag  |rmsMag|band|photCat |photAp|logSNR|seeing|exp |rmsFit|nStars|notes|remarks

       |C/2023 A3  |        | CCD|B96 |2024-05-22T21:24:38Z   |185.93140  | +1.90296  |0.20 |0.30  |   Gaia2|12.4 |0.08  |   R|   Gaia2| 5.6  |1.88  |3.0   | 0.1|0.35  |   208|     |

       |C/2023 A3  |        | CCD|B96 |2024-05-22T21:34:15Z   |185.92729  | +1.90350  |0.22 |0.33  |   Gaia2|13.0 |0.04  |   G|   Gaia2| 5.6  |2.01  |3.4   | 0.1|0.39  |   154|     |

       |C/2023 A3  |        | CCD|B96 |2024-05-22T21:41:19Z   |185.92421  | +1.90395  |0.20 |0.33  |   Gaia2|13.0 |0.04  |   G|   Gaia2| 5.6  |2.01  |3.3   | 0.1|0.38  |   149|     |

       |C/2023 A3  |        | CCD|B96 |2024-05-22T21:48:23Z   |185.92108  | +1.90438  |0.21 |0.32  |   Gaia2|13.0 |0.04  |   G|   Gaia2| 5.6  |1.86  |3.4   | 0.1|0.38  |   156|     |

Af(rho) parameter according CARA-approach

Af(rho vs. core distance - data obtained from R-filtered CCD-image

ICQ-format - photometry:

ICQ Code:

ICQ Code:

   2023A3  2024 05 22.89  k 10.8 AR 40.0L 3a480   2.2       9.2m 99 ICQ XX BRY04I     C 2.24mST0 K6F KPR 2 U4*0.01       1.2s 1.2 ;Comet Alt.:37.5

CometObs format:

C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS):

2024  May  22.89  UT: m1=10.8 CCD-R, Dia.=2.2', 40.0-cm Newtonian reflector , Tail: 9.2 min. in p.a. 99 deg.

[Comet Alt.:37.5

] (Erik Bryssinck, BRIXIIS)

C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS):

2024  May  20.92  UT: m1=10.7 CCD-R, Dia.=2.2', 40.0-cm Newtonian reflector .

[Comet Alt.:35.4

] (Erik Bryssinck, BRIXIIS)