BRIXIIS Astronomical Observatory

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the observatory was designed by myself and builded by Felke, a very good manufacturer of wooden constructions. the dimensions of the observatory are 3m x 2.5 m, it has no warm room.

Also with snowfall, it looks very beautiful and idyllic, and no problem to open the roof (if there is not too much snow). The roof must be opened by hand, no motor is fitted to the roof yet.

there were quite a lot of trees so the FOV of the observatory was limited, by the willingness of the neighbours are a number of trees removed and I returned much of the sky in my field of view of the observatory

The observatory is equipped with a AAG-cloudwatcher. This device gives 3 important parameters: Cloud detection, rain detection and light sensor, see the weather page for the results

The primary mirror is a Research grade 1/8 pv wavefront. The tube is constructed from Carbon Fibre sandwich design, precise focusing is achieved by the application of a motorised 3” FLI Atlas controlled by FocusMax software

The observatory is equipped with a AG16, a 0,-4m telescope from ORION Optics UK. To produce the remarkably flat photographic field, they have designed and built a Corrected Field Flattener (CFF). This design is based on the well known Wynne Corrector.

This special camera shows the entire sky, from horizon to horizon, day or night, in all weather rain or shine. North is at the top, east is at the left. The camera is located near the roof of BRIXIIS Observatory (IAU observatory code B96).

Remote controlling of the observatory is possible, except the roof. The controlling of all items of the observatory are automated by 1 PC. Used software packages are: The Sky 6.0 prof., CCD-commander, ASCOM-platform , MaximDL

Here is an example of an image produced by the all-sky camera.  It is a day/night color camera. On a clear moonless night, unfortunately the milky-way isn’t visible due the lightpollution. Other astro-nomical objects like the Moon, planets,  are occasionally visible.

The telescope is attached to a equatorial German Mount, more exactly the ASA DDM85 standard mount in ultra portable version.  This equatorial mount is equipped with the robotic computerized system QCI with automatic GO-TO. I use The Sky 6.0 for controlling the mount.

I live near the river the ‘Schelde’  this  turns it into a moist environment and there is regular fog. I therefore have the secondary mirror, of the telescope, fitted with a Kendrick Temperature controlled anti-dew system

A alccd 5  b & w all-sky camera , equipped with a all-sky lens, is i also installed to catch meteors.  Because meteors do not belong to the core business of the observatory , this camera is occasionally used for this purpose.

The BRIXIIS Observatory was builded in 2005 and houses a 0.4-m diameter telescope  on a ASA DDM85 direct drive mount.  The used CCD-camera is a SBIG STL-6303E with UBVRI filters.