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Publications -
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 776, Number 2 -
We report photometric observations for comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) obtained during the time period immediately after discovery (r = 6.28 AU) until it moved into solar conjunction in mid-
Extensive observations of comet 260P/McNaught were carried out between August 2012 and January 2013. The images obtained were used to
Analyze the comet’s inner coma morphology at resolutions between 250 and 600 km/pixel.
A deep investigation of the features in the inner coma allowed us to identify only one main active source on the comet’s nucleus, at an
estimated latitude of -
Graphic simulations of the geometrical conditions of the observations were compared with the treated images to study the appearance and the
Possible motion of the morphological structures, and were used to determine a pole orientation at RA = 55° ± 10°, Dec = -
The comet's spin axis has never reached the plane of the sky from October 2012 to January 2013; during this period its direction did not change
More than 30°, thus giving us the opportunity to observe in the inner coma mainly structures such as bow-
active source located on the comet's nucleus.
During the months of August and September 2012 the polar axis was directed towards the Earth at an angle of about 50° from the plane of the
sky, and this has made it possible to observe the development of faint structures as fragments of shells or spirals.
A possible rotation period of 0.342 days has been estimated by means of differential photometric analysis.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters Volume 734 Number 1 -
Photometry and imaging of Comet 103P/Hartley in the 2010–2011 apparition
Icarus -
The results of a CARA (Cometary Archive for Afρ) campaign on Comet 103P/Hartley 2 are presented. The main goal was to monitor extensively the
comet during the apparition with CCD R and I imaging and photometry, as a support of EPOXI mission.
The Afρ quantity showed a progressively rising ascending branch, followed by an apparent flat maximum that lasted for 2 months, from about −10 to
+50 days from perihelion. In this period, Afρ peaked at around 100 cm in R band with strong short term fluctuations between 70 and 140 cm. Early
signs of activity were detectable well before perihelion (about 80–90 days before) and a random variability is also present in the descending branch
after perihelion. Three post perihelion data points (between +55 and +61 days) from the 1997–1998 apparition show a bit higher Afρ value of our
observation and a similar fast variation.
The average Afρ behavior, corrected for the solar phase effect, is strongly asymmetric and shows a more steeper ascending branch, approaching to
Morphology and coma asymmetry, as well as the sunward and tailward profiles are examined. An average gradient indicatively between +/-
ρ−1 is observed in the inner coma (ρ < 2000 km). Ten small amplitude outbursts have been detected and two ones were suspected.
arXiv:1409.7641 [astro-
Outbursts are known to begin with a sudden appearance and steep brightening of a "stellar nucleus" -
Photometry of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 during the 2004/2005 approach and the Deep Impact module impact
Icarus -
The results of the 9P/Tempel 1 CARA (Cometary Archive for Amateur Astronomers) observing campaign is presented. The main goal was to perform an
extended survey of the comet as a support to the Deep Impact (DI) Mission. CCD R, I and narrowband aperture photometries were used to monitor the
Afρ quantity. The observed behavior showed a peak of 310 cm 83 days before perihelion, but we argue that it can be distorted by the phase effect, too.
The phase effect is roughly estimated around 0.0275 mag/degree, but we had no chance for direct determination because of the very similar geometry
of the observed apparitions. The log-
like 0 value by the impact time. The DI module impact caused about a 60% increase in the value of Afρ and a cloud feature in the coma profile which
was observed just after the event. The expansion of the ejecta cloud was consistent with a fountain model with initial projected velocity of 0.2 km/s and
β=0.73. Referring to a 25,000 km radius area centered on the nucleus, the total cross section of the ejected dust was View the MathML source 0.06 days
after the impact, and View the MathML source 1.93 days after the impact (A is the dust albedo). Five days after the event no signs of the impact were
detected, nor deviations from the expected activity referring both to the average pre-
Herschel and IRAM-
L. O'Rourke, D. Bockelée-
(Submitted on 25 Nov 2013)
Our goal was to characterize the distant gaseous and dust activity of comet C\2012 S1 (ISON), inbound, from observations of H2O, CO and the dust coma in the far-
F.J. Pozuelos, F. Moreno, F. Aceituno, V. Casanova, A. Sota, J.J. Lopez-
Temprano, J. Bel, J. Snchez, J. Lopesino, J. Bez, J. F. Hernndez, J. L. Martn, J. M. Ruiz, J. R. Vidal, J. GaitnJ. L. Salto, J. M. Aymam, J. M. Bosch, J. A. Henrquez, J. J. Martn, J. Lacruz, L. Tremosa, L. Lahuerta, M.Reszelsky, M. Rodrguez, M. Camarasa, M. Campas, O. Canales, P.J. Dekelver, Q. Moreno, R. Benavides, R.Naves, R. Dymoc, R. Garca, S. Lahuerta, T. Climent (submitter 2014 may 5th)
In this work, we present an extended study of the dust environment of a sample of short period comets and their dynamical
history. With this aim, we characterized the dust tails when the comets are active, and we made a statistical study to determine their
dynamical evolution. The targets selected were 22P/Kop, 30P/Reinmuth 1, 78P/Gehrels 2, 115P/Maury, 118P/Shoemaker-
Methods. We use two different observational data: a set of images taken at the Observatorio de Sierra Nevada and theAfp-
. To model these observations, we use our Monte Carlo dust tail code.
From this analysis, we derive the dust parameters, which best describe the dust environment: dust loss rates, ejection velocities, and
size distribution of particles. On the other hand, we use a numerical integrator to study the dynamical history of the comets, which
allows us to determine with a 90% of confidence level the time spent by these objects in the region of Jupiter Family Comets.
From the Monte Carlo dust tail code, we derived three categories attending to the amount of dust emitted: Weakly active
(115P, 157P, and Rinner), moderately active (30P, 123P, and 185P), and highly active (22P, 78P, and 118P). The dynamical studies
showed that the comets of this sample are young in the Jupiter Family region, where the youngest ones are 22P (100 yr), 78P (500yr), and 118P (
600 yr). The study points to a certain correlation between comet activity and time spent in the Jupiter Family region,although this trend is not always fulfilled. The largest particle sizes are not tightly constrained, so that the total dust mass derived should be regarded as lower limits.
Zdenek Sekanina -
In early April 2017, five weeks before passing through perihelion, t he dust-
detected more than nine weeks later, on June 11, and remained under observation for 19 days. The companion is found to have separated from the parent nucleus with a velocity of less than 1 m s−1; subsequently it was subjected to a nongravitational deceleration of 14 units of 10−5 the Sun’s gravitational acceleration. The companion’s overall dimensions can from this value be estimated at less than one hundred meters across. Unlike the primary nucleus, the companion displayed considerable fluctuations in brightness on time scales spanning at least three orders of magnitude, from a fraction of one hour to weeks. The long temporal gap between the companion n’s birth and first detection ap-
also resulted in the companion’s impending disintegration by the end of June or in early July. Subject headings: comets: individual (C/2015 ER61) — methods: data analysis
Precession of the Disk in Pleione Study of the Hα Line Profile
Ernst Pollmann
Recent high-
Richard Miles -
Results of high-
We present a high-
Zdenek Sekanina & Rainer Kracht
A sequence of events, dominated by two outbursts and ending with the preperihelion disintegration of comet C/2017 S3, is examined. The onset times of the outbursts are determined with high accuracy from the light curve of the nuclear condensation before it disappeared following the second outburst.
While the brightness of the condensation was declining precipitously, the total brightness continued to grow in the STEREO-
Evolution of the disk of π Aqr: From near-
Author:Yaël Nazé -
Christoph T. Quandt, Paolo Berardi, Tim Lester, Patrick Fosanelli, André Favaro, Jean-
Etienne Bertrand, Erik Bryssinck, Valérie Desnoux, Patrick Lailly, Jacques Montier, Massimiliano Mannucci, Nico Montigiani, Albert Stiewing, James Daglen, Christian Kreider,
Thierry Lemoult, Tony Rodda
Some Be stars display important variability of the strength of the emission lines formed in their disk. This is notably the case of π Aqr. We present here the recent evolution of the Be disk in this system thanks to spectra collected by amateur spectroscopists since the end of 2013. A large transition occurred: the emission linked to the Be disk nearly disappeared in January 2014, but the disk has recovered, with a line strength now reaching levels only seen during the active phase of 1950–1990. In parallel to this change in strength occurs a change of disk structure, notably involving the disappearance of the strong asymmetry responsible for the V/R modulation.
Monitoring the Hα equivalent width (EW) and V/R of π Aqr
Author: Arnst Polman -
Dear colleagues, in supplement to the paper of Yael Naze (New Astronomy 73, 2019, 101279) here an up-
Dust Environment Model of the Interstellar Comet 2I/Borisov
Authors: G. Cremonese , M. Fulle , P. Cambianica, G. Munaretto, M. T. Capria, M. Lazzarin, A. Migliorini, W. Boschin, G. Milani, A. Aletti,8, G. Arlic, P. Bacci, R. Bacci, E. Bryssinck, D. Carosati, D. Castellano, L. Buzzi, S. Di Rubbo, M. Facchini, E. Guido, F. Kugel, R. Ligustri, M. Maestripieri, A. Mantero, J. Nicolas, P. Ochner, C. Perrella, R. Trabatti, and A. Valvasori
2I/Borisov is the first interstellar comet discovered on 2019 August 30, and it soon showed a coma and a dust tail. This
study reports the results of images obtained at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo telescope, on La Palma—Canary Islands,
in 2019 November and December. The images have been obtained with the R filter in order to apply our dust tail model.
The model has been applied to the comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko and compared to the Rosetta dust measurements
showing a very good agreement. It has been applied to the comet 2I/Borisov, using almost the same parameters, obtaining
a dust environment similar to that of 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, suggesting that the activity may be very similar. The
dust tail analysis provided a dust-
Seeing the Bigger Picture: Rosetta Mission Amateur Observing Campaign and Lessons for the Future
Authors: Helen Usher , Colin Snodgrass , Simon F. Green , Andrew Norton , and Paul Roche
Amateur astronomers can make useful contributions to the study of comets. They add temporal coverage and multiscale observations that can aid the study of fast-
V1405 Cas (= PNV J23244760+6111140) now displaying Fe II emission
Authors: Shore, S. N.; Buil, C.; Dubovsky, P.; Berardi, P.; Bajer, M.; Boussin, C.; Guarrò, J.; Teyssier, F.; Bertrand, E.; Viannet, J. M.; Boyd, D.; Boubault, F.; Allen, H.; Le Lain, M.; le Dû, P.; Cazzato, P.; Coffin, J.; Shank, K.; Bryssinck, E.; Garde, O. Gurney, K.; Leadbeater, R.
We report that the slow nova Cas 2021 (V1405 Cas = PNV J23244760+6111140), discovered in outburst on 2021 Mar 18.4 (CBET #4945, ATel #14471, #14472, #14476, #14478, #14482, #14530) has begun to display Fe II absorption features.
Outbursts and stellar properties of the classical Be star HD 6226
Authors: Noel D Richardson, Olivier Thizy, Jon E Bjorkman, Alex Carciofi, Amanda C Rubio, Joshua D Thomas, Karen S Bjorkman, Jonathan Labadie-
The bright and understudied classical Be star HD 6226 has exhibited multiple outbursts in the last several years during which the star grew a viscous decretion disk. We analyse 659 optical spectra of the system collected from 2017-
Comets beyond 4 au: How pristine are Oort nuclei?
the Royal Astronomical Society: published on 3 may 2022
Marco Fulle, M Lazzarin, F La Forgia, V V Zakharov, I Bertini, E Mazzotta Epifani, E Ammannito, A Buzzoni, M T Capria, A Carbognani, V Da Deppo, V Della Corte, S Fiscale, E Frattin, L Inno, A Migliorini, C Pernechele, A Rotundi, G Sindoni, C Tubiana, G Milani, A Aletti, P Bacci, G Baj, F Bellini, E Bryssinck, M Di Grazia, M Facchini, M Feraco, F Kugel, M Maestripieri, D Tirelli, A Valvasori, C Snodgrass, G H Jones
The ESA mission Comet Interceptor will target an Oort or interstellar comet during its first approach to the Sun. Meanwhile, the Vera Rubin LSST Survey will observe hundreds of active comets per month beyond 4 au from the Sun, where water vapor pressure is expected to be too low to eject dust. We discuss observations of dust tails at heliocentric distances larger than 4 au in order to retrieve the physical parameters driving cometary activity beyond Jupiter by means of a probabilistic tail model, which is consistent with the activity model defining the gas coma parameters due to the sublimation of carbon monoxide, molecular oxygen, methane, ethane and carbon dioxide since the activity onset at 85 au from the Sun. We find that: (i) All the observed dust tails are consistent with the adopted activity model; (ii) The tail fits depend on three free parameters only, all correlated to the nucleus size; (iii) Tail fits are always improved by anisotropic dust ejection, suggesting activity of Oort nuclei dominated by seasons; (iv) Inbound seasons suggest cometary activity before the ejection of protocomets into the Oort cloud, as predicted by the activity model; (v) Oort nuclei larger than 1 km may be characterized by a fallout up to ≈100 m thick deposited during ≈60 yr inbound; (vi) On the other side, Oort nuclei smaller than 1 km may appear more pristine than Jupiter Family Comets when observed at 1 au from the Sun.
Comet C/2011 J2 (LINEAR) nucleus splitting: Dynamical and structural analysis
Federico Manzini, Virginio Oldania, Masatoshi Hirabayashi, Raoul Behrend, Roberto Crippa, Paolo Ochner, José Pablo Navarro Pina, Roberto Haver, Alexander Baransky, Erik Bryssinck, Andras Dana, Josè De Queiroz , Eric Frappa, Maylis Lavayssiere.
After the discovery of the breakup event of comet C/2011 J2 in August 2014, we followed the primary body and the main fragment B for about 120 days in the context of a wide international collaboration.
From the analysis of all published magnitude estimates we calculated the comet absolute magnitude H=10.4, and its photometric index n=1.7. We also calculated a water production of only 110 kg/s at the perihelion. These values are typical of a low-
Analysis of the motion of fragment B over the observation period showed that the first breakout event likely occurred between 12 July and 30 July 2014. Nucleus B remained persistently visible throughout the 4-
The projected separation velocity of nucleus B from the parent body was 4.22 m/s at the time of the breakup and 12.7 m/s at the end of the observation period, suggesting that nucleus B was subjected to a constant deceleration .
The spin period of the main nucleus was estimated as 4.56 h±0.05 h by photometric analysis.
The structural analysis of the comet showed a cohesive strength of the nucleus greater than ~0.9 kPa; assuming a bulk density of 500 kg/m3, with a rotation period of 4.56 h the cometary nucleus might have failed structurally, especially if the body was elongated.
These results suggest that the nucleus of comet C/2011 J2 has an elongated shape, with a ratio of the semi-
From this study, we propose that rotational disruption, possibly combined with sublimation pressure, was a reasonable explanation for the breakup event in comet C/2011 J2.
C. Lejoly, W. Harris, N. Samarasinha, B. E. A. Mueller, E. Howell, J. Bodnarik, A. Springmann, T. Kareta, B. Sharkey, J. Noonan, (4*P Campaign), L. R. Bedin, J.-
There was an unprecedented opportunity to study the inner dust coma environments, where the dust and gas are not
entirely decoupled, of comets 45P/Honda–Mrkos–Pajdusáková ̆ (45P/HMP) from 2016 December 26 to 2017 March 15, and 46P/Wirtanen from 2018 November 10 to 2019 February 13, both in visible wavelengths. The radial profile slopes of these comets were measured in the R and HB-
Y. Nazé, J. Guarro Flo, A. Leduc, A. Stiewing, S. Curry, X. Dupont, E. Bryssinck, H.R. Diz, E. Bertrand, C. Buil, V. Desnoux,
O. Garde
ζ Tau is a well known binary comprising a Be star. Its decretion disk changes with time and we report here on the latest variability behaviour thanks to new amateur data.
The cyclic variability observed in the previous years and dominated by the modulated centralabsorption continues. Only little asymmetries are detected for the Hα line
Astronomische Nachrichten -
Federico Manzini, Virginio Oldani, Paolo Ochner, Andrea Reguitti, Luigi R. Bedin, Jean Gabriel Bosch, Erik Bryssinck, Roberto Crippa, Andrea Farina, Stéphan Gaumont-
The close approach of comet C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy) allowed us to conduct an indepth study of the morphology of the inner coma. From the measurement of the dust emission structures expanding near the cometary nucleus in November-