NGC 2261
NGC 2261 is the hubble variable nebula and lies in the constellation of Monoceros.
Telescope: 12" F5.3 Newton
Mount: EQ6 Skyscan
Camera: SBIG ST7e ABG
Filters: SAC-filterwheel with Astronomik LRGB filters
Date: 23 January 2006
Location: Steenbrugge
Weather: Clear sky, 0°C
Temperature CCD: -24°C
Technique: LRGB-technique
Exposure: LRGB 40:20:20:40
Subframes of 1 minute
Flat, dark bias automatic subtraction
Aligned en add-combined in ccdsoft
Deconvolution of 1 iteration in CCDsharp
Color combined in MaximDL
Luminance layering in Photoshop
Final tweaking in Photoshop
Small noise reduction in NeatImage
I had some huge probs with this image. First of all there were incoming clouds from the West. I had to redo some sequences.
Then there were the still unsolved problem with noise in the image of my CCD. I think the final image is the best I hoped for.