NGC 6814
NGC 6814 is a Seyfert galaxy, which means that it's a strong radio-emission source. You can find NGC 6814 between the constellations of Aquila and Sagittarius,
which is a rich field in the milky way. That means that the object lies behind some dark clouds
in the MilkyWay. We are lucky that NGC 6814 is a bright galaxy so most of the light comes though the dust.
Telescope: 12" F5.3 Newton
Mount: EQ6 Skyscan
Camera: SBIG ST7e ABG
Filters: SAC-filterwheel with Astronomik LRGB filters
Date: Luminance: 12 august 2005; RGB data was captured on 27 august 2005
Location: Steenbrugge
Weather: 12/08/05: clear 12°C; 27/08/05 13°C
Temperature CCD: -22°C
Technique: LRGB-technique
Exposure: LRGB 60:20:20:40
Images reduced in CCDSoft
Alignment en stacking in CCDSoft
Luminance channel deconvolution in CCDSharp
Very mild DDP in MaximDL on L-channel.
Color-combining in MaximDL
Layering in Photoshop
Noise reduction in NeatImage
Final Tweaking (curves, brightness, levels, contrast) in Photoshop
I needed to capture the data on two nights and had some difficulties with placing the object on the right place on the
CCD-chip. As a result I lost some space on the borders with the layering.