NGC 2392
NGC 2392 is the Eskimo Nebula
Telescope: 12" F5.3 Newton
Mount: EQ6 Skyscan
Camera: SBIG ST7e ABG
Filters: SAC-filterwheel with Astronomik LRGB filters
Date: 31 January 2006
Location: Steenbrugge
Weather: Clear sky, -4°C
Temperature CCD: -30°C
Technique: LRGB-technique
Exposure: LRGB 8:10:10:20
Subframes of 2 min, 1x1 bin for Luminance; 2x2 bin for color information
Flat, dark bias automatic subtraction
Aligned en add-combined in ccdsoft
Deconvolution of 3 iterations in CCDsharp for luminance
Strong ddp (40%) on all channels
Color combined in MaximDL
Luminance layering in Photoshop
Levels, blur and Unsharp mask in Photoshop
Small noise reduction in NeatImage
The recording of this image goes (for once in a time) very fluently. I'm not that satisfied with the blue character of the nebula;
but I don't get better results out of it.