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Comet 141P/MACHHOLZ - 4 dec. 2020

Astrometric data for Minor Planet Center


CON E. Bryssinck, BRIXIIS Observatory, 9150 Kruibeke , Belgium

OBS E. Bryssinck

MEA E. Bryssinck

TEL 0.4-m f/3.8 reflector + CCD

ACK MPCReport file updated 2020.12.05 14:39:42

NET Gaia DR2

0141P        KC2020 12 04.70378 20 18 12.75 -09 53 06.8          18.5 G      B96

0141P        KC2020 12 04.71849 20 18 16.59 -09 53 04.6          18.6 G      B96

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Observation comet 141P/MACHOLZ from BRIXIIS Observatory with 0.4-m f/3.8 Orion Optics AG16 telescope

comet 141P/MACHOLZ, 4 dec. 2020, Erik Bryssinck