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Astrometric data for minor planet center - ADES format

permID |provID     |trkSub  |mode|stn |obsTime                |ra         |dec        |rmsRA|rmsDec|astCat  |mag  |rmsMag|band|photCat |photAp|logSNR|seeing|exp |rmsFit|nStars|notes|remarks

       |C/2019 T4  |        | CCD|B96 |2024-06-19T22:06:25Z   |261.67744  |+33.15379  |0.25 |0.34  |   Gaia2|18.1 |0.10  |   G|   Gaia2| 5.6  |1.04  |3.5   | 0.1|0.36  |   606|     |

       |C/2019 T4  |        | CCD|B96 |2024-06-19T22:15:50Z   |261.67687  |+33.15395  |1.00 |1.04  |   Gaia2|18.3 |0.14  |   G|   Gaia2| 4.3  |0.89  |3.5   | 0.1|0.38  |   615|     |

       |C/2019 T4  |        | CCD|B96 |2024-06-19T22:25:15Z   |261.67598  |+33.15395  |0.28 |0.38  |   Gaia2|18.0 |0.09  |   G|   Gaia2| 5.6  |1.10  |3.5   | 0.1|0.40  |   606|     |

Comet C/2019 T4 (ATLAS) -  19 june 2023

Af(rho) data according the CARA-approach is available via request to CARA-coordinator

Afρ parameter according CARA approach

Afρ [cm] with Bessel R-filter